Musing On Election

Some after thoughts on the Malaysian General Election:

High Turnout Rate
The 13th GE has the highest voting rate in Malaysia's history with 85%! This shows that Malaysian citizens are politically conscious and we want to take part in this meaningful event.

Super Senior Citizens
Super senior citizens age 90 and above have shown their keen support for the country. From the statistics, there are close to 40,000 of these people voted. Among them, East Malaysia including  Sabah and Sarawak has the highest rate of participation with more than 10,000 votes. For secrets of longevity can ask these people!

Social Media
For this election, social media plays an important part in getting the youngsters to be interested in politics. Of the 13.3 million registered voters, about 40% are aged below 40 years old, these people are active users of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Hence social media becomes an information hub for the voters where they can learn the procedure for voting from the youtube videos and photographs. 

Chinese Tsunami
The prime minister made a statement after the election stating that the Chinese tsunami is the contributing factor for the poor win by BN. However, from the statistics, we can see that urban Malay votes are deserting the BN too. It is clear that it is more than ethnic issue here. From various sources of surveys, the top reason why the Malaysian are not happy with the government is: Corruption! And it is this "fighting for anti-corruption spirit" keeps the Malaysian together regardless of race.


Now that the election is finally over and BN won, the market responded with a big rally. My forecast for KLCI, based on Elliott Wave Theory, is 1800 by June or July, looks like it has already touched this level (intraday) yesterday, which was the next morning after the election day. Hence I will raise my target for this year to 1840, with a strong support at 1600 till end of the year.

Finally here's a quote from Obama: "In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?"

My next investment workshop for the beginners will be:

Date: May 18th 2013 (Saturday)
Venue: Women's Institute of Management (KL)
Contact: 03-77250268 for more info.


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