Choosing Stocks With PRINCE D Criteria

In my book "I Love Stocks" I used a set of financial ratios as stock selection criteria, they are:

PE ratio, Return on equity, Institutional (big players) support, Net tangible asset, Current environment scan, Earnings per share growth and Dividend yield. Taking the first alphabet from each we can get: PRINCE D or we call it the Prince D, like Princess Diana.

In January, I have come up with a list of stocks to share with my students who attended my stock analysis workshop (see the tables below). Many people have been telling me they are waiting for the big crash after election then they will enter the market. Then I asked them, what if there is no crash, and the price shot up after election, would you still buy then?

If everyone thinks there is a crash on certain dates, most likely you won't see one because a stock market crash happen unexpectedly, not on anticipation.

Then when can I buy (into the stocks)?

One good strategy is to buy on stages. Buying on stages will eliminate the negative emotion that is affecting your judgment in stock selection. For example, you may invest 1/3 before election, another 1/3 of your available funds in May, and the final 1/3 in November and hold the stocks until 2014 - 2015. The reason why invest in May and November is because if you look back at the historical prices for our KLCI, there are certain months always experience cycle low, they are: February, May, August and November. If you are a long term investor who has decided to invest regularly in the stock market these months are good entry points for you.

Below are 3 categories of stocks for selection. The first is the dividend stocks, good for FD alternative. 2nd group is small cap stocks as I think small cap stocks offer better capital appreciation than the larger caps now. The 3rd group is the political linked stocks which I believed if BN wins, these stocks will soar.

Everyone has their own investment style, personally I do not like to speculate, I prefer to buy and hold, or I hold until there is fundamental change in the investing environment such as inflation is too high, interest rates are rising or there's a war.

This article is not for stocks recommendation, its for educational purpose.

Happy investing,

Pauline Yong


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