Bound for NOLA, 2013

The Consortium's 47th annual Orientation Program for new MBA students will take place June 7-12 in New Orleans. As usual, the Consortium Finance Network hopes to have a presence there, as it invites new students interested in finance to join CFN.

Registration is now open for Consortium alumni and sponsors. The OP's theme this year is "Upgrading Your Career, 2.0 (13)."

New MBA students from the 17 Consortium schools this year will be assigned to industry tracks in finance, consulting, marketing and general management, permitting students to focus on events, seminars and sponsors that are tailored to their interests.

As in previous years, there will be sessions to prepare for interviews, discuss diversity issues and explore topics in ethics. There will also be ample opportunities to network with other students, schools, alumni and sponsors. The career fair and gala dinner are always culminating highlights at the OP. This is the first year the OP will be held in New Orleans.

In a typical year, when over 300 new Consortium students attend an Orientation, about 80 or more will express interest in finance. The Consortium is still in the process of assembling the Class of '15, as offers for admission go out this month.

For more about OP 2013, go to For more about OP sessions in other cities in past years, see the links below.

Tracy Williams

See also:

CFN:  Getting ready for the Orientation Program, Minneapolis, 2012
CFN:  Consortium OP in Minneapolis, 2011
CFN:  Alumni and the Orientation Program, 2011
CFN:  Consortium OP in Orlando, 2010
CFN:  The MBA Class of '12 in Orlando, 2010
CFN:  Consortium OP in Charlotte, 2009


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