No Win No Fee compensation claims procedure

So you’ve been considering making a compensation claim, but with so many options on the market – and so many solicitors available, you aren’t exactly sure where to start. Many people love the sound of “No Win, No Fee” – and let’s face it, when presented with the idea of getting a compensation claim or not having to pay a penny, it’s not hard to see why for many people it’s an attractive offer.
I think one of the most concerning parts of any offer such as this is that many of us are incredibly sceptical about things that are seemingly too good to be true, and if you find that you are in this boat, then chances are you will want to know more before you enter into an agreement of this type. 

compensation claims procedure

So what is a No Win, No Fee agreement and how does it work? To find out more about how these kind of agreements operate and to look at whether or not they might be right for you, scroll down!

What is No Win, No Fee?

So a No Win, No Fee agreement or Conditional Fee agreement as they are also known have a few principles to adhere to and actually work in a very basic manner which relies upon the solicitors to make a valued judgement as to whether or not they believe the client has a case that will hold merit in court.

When a solicitor takes on a No Win, No Fee case it’s because they think they can genuinely get compensation for their client and this is why they can offer a No Win, No Fee option for their clients. As a client you are in a great position – if your case is successful you will get the compensation you deserve; if it’s unsuccessful then you won’t be left to pay a penny.

How can solicitors make money in this way?

It’s fairly common for someone to ask how this could at all be profitable for solicitors and on paper it might not look like a very profitable business, but when a solicitor takes on your case and is successful then they are able to claim their fees and expenses from the opposition legal team and therefore make their money without taking a penny from your compensation.

This Conditional Fee Agreement benefits both sides as it ensures that solicitors are paid for choosing the appropriate cases and it helps to prevent the courts from being clogged with cases which have no basis or foundation. 

Getting started

If you think that you have a valid claim to make then get in touch with your local solicitor to find out more about the No Win, No Fee options which might be available to you, and in turn you could find that you are actually entitled to a reasonable amount of compensation for any injuries that you have sustained through no fault of your own or through medical negligence.


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