Younger borrowers turn to reverse mortgages

According to recent reports, a large number of young homeowners are turning to reverse mortgages as they’re experiencing a huge increase in their unsecured debt levels. Reverse mortgage loans are the best financing options for the seniors who live on a fixed income level and need immediate cash for home renovation or any other purpose. Studies suggest that the previous borrowers of the reverse mortgage loans used them to improve their home, their biggest asset, but now the younger borrowers are taking resort to the reverse mortgage loans in order to meet their pressing financial needs. No amount of professional debt settlement advice can aid the young borrowers get out of debt. 

The reverse mortgage loans are actually tailored to meet the need of the seniors above 62 years of age. The government issues all reverse mortgages to the seniors through the HECM or the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program and through this the senior can access the cash that he has accumulated as equity in his home and receive regular monthly payments from the lender. The reverse mortgage program is usually considered as the most exotic product for the seniors but the recent study shows that the borrowers of this kind of loan are those who are about to enter the retirement age and they all are taking out such loans in order to control their soaring household debt burden. It isn’t a far-fetched fact that the close-to-retirement-aged people are considering reverse mortgages as most of them have grown up managing their financial debt and according to them reverse mortgages give them the chance to facilitate their monthly repayment structure. 

reverse mortgages

Are reverse mortgages cheap products? 

The fees and the interest rates that are associated with reverse mortgages that were there in 1999 made such mortgage programs prohibitive to the mortgage programs and it is since then that the US Department of Education and the HUD or the Housing and Urban Development stepped in to make these cheaper and affordable for the seniors of the US who are suffering financially. This made the HECM saver the ultimate product for all those who are looking for a reasonable mortgage to repay their soaring debt obligations. 

The HECM has a few disadvantages for the younger borrowers as the young people may expect less cash or lower monthly payments than their older counterparts. According to a survey by MetLife, one in four baby boomers seeks reverse mortgage loans when they have subsequent amount of debt. All those belonging to the “sandwich generation” may find themselves in dire financial straits when they don’t take out a reverse mortgage to meet the needs. They can stop running to the debt help companies if they’re sure about the reverse mortgage program.

Myrina Stein is a regular writer for various finance related Communities including Oak View Law Group and CDFA. She is a Post Graduate degree holder in Finance from a reputed University in California and right now working in a Finance Consultancy as a Project Manager. She is well equipped to write articles on debt consolidation , debt settlement advice, bankruptcy, credit problems etc


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