Georgetown Becomes The Consortium's 18th

Consortium Gets DC Footprint On deck is Georgetown's McDonough School of Business . This week The Consortium selected Georgetown's business school as the 18th Consortium school. Georgetown will join the other schools formally in July and start admitting Consortium students in the fall, 2014. Consortium Executive Director Peter Aranda made the announcement June 24, marking The Consortium's first new school in three years. Over the past five years, besides Georgetown, The Consortium has added Cornell, Yale , and UCLA and invited back UC-Berkeley after it departed in the early 2000s. Georgetown follows the footsteps of other prominent business schools affiliated with The Consortium, including such schools as Emory, USC, Yale, Texas, Dartmouth, Wisconsin , and North Carolina. What does Georgetown bring to The Consortium table? It gives the organization an immediate footprint in the Washington, DC, area. Consortium business schools, often known nationally as top schools by...