3 Ways to Save Money on Utilities
Your water and electricity bills are usually the biggest bills in your house after you pay your rent. How can you lower them? Do you always have to pay so much? Well, here are three tips for cutting down on your utility bills and making the most of your paycheck. Unplug it A huge waster of electricity is called phantom usage. This happens when you are not even using your appliances but they are still plugged in. Did you know that leaving your cell phone’s charger plugged into the power outlet, even when your phone is not charging, can be using electricity? This electricity usage is commonplace with all the things you leave plugged in. Unplug your appliances instead of just turning them off. You will lower your electricity bill and not ever miss anything! Less is more Conserving water and electricity is not had. All you have to do is keep it on your mind. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth or do the dishes. Take shorter showers: that saves on both water and ...