
Showing posts from December, 2011

Guest Post : Professional debt help in Colorado Springs

One of the major problems that most American citizens are facing is related to debt. If you are residing in Colorado Springs then debt consolidation Colorado Springs can help you out. With the spreading of credit card companies around the nation like a plague and they granting credit cards with very minimal requirements have made it very easy for most people to get access to credit. This however is not having a very good impact on people. Most of the people who own multiple credit cards tend to misuse them or don’t know where to draw a line. They become so busy buying things to their heart’s content that they end up losing all self control and spending much beyond their means. If you are amongst such people then invariably you are facing debt problems which are making you face quite an amount of stress. It is pretty natural that people don’t understand what calamity debt brings, unless they have been submerged into it enough to make them feel choked. If you are in suc...

Be Prepared for a Financial Hardship

Times are getting harder. The recent global financial crisis has made many people realise the importance of getting financially prepared for possible job losses, reduced income, or higher costs of living. Financial hardship is something nobody looks forward to but it could be unavoidable. There would always be economic factors in the country and around the world that could bring about that hardship. The best way to deal with and overcome any financial hardship is to be ready for it. As the cliché goes, it is best to always save for the rainy days. How could anyone prepare for it? Here are several ways you could do it. First, live in frugality. It is ideal to be always practical. You may not be aware but you could actually lower your daily costs. You may incur lower electricity bills for instance by getting more conscious about how your household uses appliances and lighting fixtures. To lower your water bills, install faucets that do not leak. As for your grocery, buy only necessary it...


Trendlines form the foundation of technical analysis. They are constructed by connecting a series of peaks and troughs. While an uptrend is formed by jo ining successive peaks, a downtrend is for med by joini ng successive troughs. Trendlines may be horizontal if stock price i s trading sideways. For a beginner, try to use the "drawing tools" from the ChartNexus to practice on the trendlines, get yourself familiar with 'recognizing' the trend first, because later we need to use these lines to draw chart patterns such as triangles and rectangles. How to tell whether it is a bull trend or a bear trend? There are 2 ways: (1) Trendlines (2) Moving Averages (1) Trendlines Bull trend is when you see "higher high" of the peak. That is: you'll see the price forming a higher peak than the previous peak. Bear trend is when you see "lower low" of the trough. That is: you'll see the price moving downwards, forming lower trough than before. (2)...

To Manage a College Budget, Perfect the Art of Genteel Poverty

College students who carefully manage their money actually live far better on far less than students who improvise from payday to payday. Gabriel Adona, a popular professor at San Diego Mesa College, periodically reminds his students, “If you’re not suffering in college, you’re not having fun.” Adona numbers among the first, however, to agree that living frugally and suffering are by no means the same thing. Noting that students who receive financial aid generally receive more than enough money to pay their fees, buy their books, and meet their basic expenses, Adona laments that most families do not teach their children how to manage money as a crucial element in their preparation for college. “We test entering students for the English proficiency and math competence,” he says. “We ought to test them for their financial fluency, too.” Adona cites attrition statistics that indicate more than half of his students who drop-out before completing their degrees leave college “for financial r...

Guest Post : High Interest Savings Accounts

In the current economic climate, savvy customers need to shop around to find the best high interest savings accounts . The lack of movement on the Bank of England’s base rate means that savers are continuing to see relatively low returns on their investments. The average interest rate on a typical easy access savings account is just over 1% and, given the dismal predictions for the future of the UK economy, this is unlikely to improve any time soon. One option is to put your money in a Cash ISA. With an average interest rate of around 2.5% AER this is a good option for those who are not already using their tax-free allowance. You can save up to £5,340 per year tax-free. Online savings accounts also offer higher rates of interest, but withdrawals are often limited to three or four times a year.  If you don’t mind locking away your money, fixed rate bonds are a good option for people looking for high interest savings accounts . The average rate is 3% on a £1,000 investment ...

How to Use Online Resources to Quickly Locate Bail Bond Services

Before the Internet, it was very difficult to find a bail bonds agency that would offer high quality services. People generally had to rely on the closest bail bonds office, which was not always the best option. The agents at the bail bonds company knew this, and they would take advantage of the fact that people were desperate to get their loved ones out of jail—quickly. However, with the help of the Internet, websites can help those who are seeking bail bond assistance to find a company that will work with their financial needs . If you’re in need of a bail bonds agency, you know you need to move quickly so that your friend, spouse or other family member does not need to spend endless time in a jail cell. Here are some tips to get you started. 1. Search online for an easily accessible network : When seeking a bail bond company, begin your search online, and start seeking a bail bond company that has a network or database available for your use. Websites, such as, are es...

Getting Real: Opportunities for 2012

Let's get real. As we turn the corner and head toward an uncertain 2012, where are the real opportunities for MBA finance professionals ? What's the real scoop? In an environment where some tip-toe when they project better scenarios next year, but where every other day large banks announce lay-offs by the thousands, what's the real story? Who's  hiring? Who's promoting solid performers? Who's luring those interested in finance and promising long-term career paths? Where are the sectors or institutions that will harbor finance pros and allow them to grow, contribute and thrive over the the next few years? Let's take a glance and gauge vibes and signals across the sectors. 1.  Investment banking, corporate finance.   From now until about mid-2012, you know banks won't commit. Uncertainty forces them to be hesitant. They'll want to see sustained trends in an economic recovery. Until then, banks will resort to old-time habits of firing rashly and excess...

What is Technical Analysis?

Starting from this week, I'll post some educational articles on Technical Analysis, so that we can learn together and use the knowledge for 2012! What is Technical Analysis? Technical analysis is the study of charts whereby we can make investment decisions based on the following assumptions: (1) History repeats itself, consequently, past trends predict fut ure ones. (2) The price pattern is the sum of all the behaviours of the market crowd. Therefore, technical analysis tracks the psychology of the market. While fundamental analysis helps us to study the financial health of a company, technical analysis gives us an idea as to the direction of the stock price. Very often, a techincal analyst can identify trend changes at an early stage, and act on it. First we need to know what a stock chart is. Stock Chart A stock chart is also known as a price chart. It has two parts to it: the upper portion depicts the price movement, and the bottom shows the volume traded . Next, we need t...