How to Survive a Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy can be scary. You may be harassed by creditors, face shutoff notices, or have seizure notices for your house or vehicle. Knowing what to do to survive during this trying time often makes all the difference. Here are five tips to keep in mind. Reaffirm Debts You Plan to Keep If you plan to keep on paying your mortgage or vehicle payments, contact your lender immediately. Let them know that you are undergoing a bankruptcy but intend to honor your obligation. Some financial institutions may ask you to sign a letter of reaffirmation, while others will simply tell you to keep making payments. This will avoid any confusion about your home or transportation. Talk to your bankruptcy lawyer if any creditor expresses hesitation about the process. Inform All of Your Debtors While some bankruptcy lawyers will do this for you, contacting your debtors in person can help stop threatening calls and letters. Most of the time, your debtors will deal directly with your lawyer. Shoul...