On Campus: No Summer Slowdown

Virginia-Darden Dean Bruner Just weeks ago, members of the MBA Class of 2011 dispersed all over the country--first to take well-deserved breaks and vacations, second to prepare to move to big cities or other outposts to start new positions. Business schools get a short respite, a chance to pause after a bustling school year. Afterward summer activity picks up again at most schools. Many have summer semesters and course offerings. Most are gearing up to welcome the parade of bright, confident faces who will make up the Class of 2013. (Some have representatives who have just returned from the Consortium's Orientation Program in Minneapolis.) At some schools, orientation starts in a few days. At most, deans will inevitably proclaim the Class of 2013 as its best, most ambitious, most talented, most diverse and most interesting. The pulse of business discussion, academic research, and the continual revamping of b-school curriculum is as vigorous as ever. Business schools, inc...